
Shiloh Miller Shiloh Miller

5 Best Wedding Venues in Colorado Springs, CO

Planning an epic Colorado wedding or elopement, but can’t decide on a venue?! We’ve put together our list of the 5 best wedding venues in Colorado Springs, CO. We are a photo & video team serving the wildly in love.

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Chuck Miller Chuck Miller

“We Just Got Engaged, Now What?” - 7 things to do after your engagement!

So you just got engaged and you’re wondering “We just got engaged, now what?!” Well, of course, there are a lot of things to do and to think about once you get engaged. That’s why we’ve created these top 7 things to do after you get engaged. The first step is probably the most important, so let’s get started!

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Chuck Miller Chuck Miller

A Retro Inspired Joshua Tree Elopement

There is something to say about the way a couple looks at each other and treats one another, in a way you can just tell they are going to last a lifetime and into eternity. That’s exactly what we envision for Maria and Ricky. Fast forward to 2022, they reached out and we all decided that a Joshua Tree elopement for a vow renewal would be the perfect way to recommit their love to each other!

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